The Cuccumella- Neapolitan Flip Coffee

Since its creation in 1819 by French designer Morize, the cuccumella, otherwise known as the Neapolitan flip coffee maker, has called the south of Italy home. This vessel consists of several pieces: a bottom container for the hot water, a hopper with a screw-top filter to separate the coffee grounds from the water itself, and …

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The Art of Ordering

One of the greatest learning curves that any coffee connoisseur experiences is how to order and remember the different espresso drinks. Between different traditions and philosophies of thought, this is not exactly the easiest task. Therefore, in order to make your experience a little more pleasant we have put together a break down description, as …

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Moka Pot- An Italian Tradition

The Moka Pot, also known as the Moka Express, is one of three major, classical Italian brew methods, which includes the espresso machine and the Cuccumella (a Neapolitan tradition). Oddly enough, this three-part wonder was inspired by the washing machine and a trip home from France. Talk about a productive day! The inventor was Alfonso …

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AeroPress- The Ultimate Travel Method

During our travels we have learned that traveling with a brewing method can be difficult and often challenging to pack. But, when we discovered the AeroPress, we knew we had found the perfect companion to add to our adventurous duo. [Pro-tip: If you love the idea of being able to travel with your AeroPress (particularly …

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